
Showing posts from September, 2022
Undergrowth This photo captures the undergrowth of a small tree on the campus of Linn-Benton Community College. Most of the photo is framed underneath the leaves of this small, shrub-like tree, surrounded by leafy bushes, giving way to the lighter green of grass and grey of the walkways.  
Green Autumn Foliage  This photo captures foliage on the campus of Linn-Benton Community College in the beginning of Autumn. While perhaps a few of the leaves have begun their color migration from green to red to brown, most of them retain their green hues, at least for now.
Tree Over Sculpture   This photo was taken was taken on the Albany campus of Linn-Benton Community College and captures one of the campus's sculptures. Hanging over the sculpture is a tree whose leaves help to frame the sculpture in the context of autumn foliage.

Josh's Photojournalism Blog #1

Hello, and welcome to my photojournalism blog as a student as Linn-Benton Community College. My goal is to provide  beautiful and insightful photos that capture the essence of life at  both Linn-Benton and in the broader communities.  I will also be sharing my fiction from an anthology series called  Oakie's Attic, stories from the future that Oakie the student finds on  the shelves of an attic in an abandoned house. Mystery, fantasy,  science fiction, horror, ghost stories, and more...